The Oedipus Complex theory in Hamlet
In first scene, Hamlets mother Gertrude and his uncle Claudius remarried right after his father king Hamlet died. it upsets Hamlet because his uncle Claudius has taken his position which is next to his mother. In deep inside of Hamlets subconscious, he wants to be a king and married to his mother. In part one scene two, Hamlet says "Must I remember? Why she would hang on him, as if increase of appetite had grown". It directly shows Oedipus complex of Hamlet. It tells that he does not even want to remember that how his mother showing love to King Hamlet, he wants to be only one person who his mother loves. This is a reason why Hamlet feel hatred toward Claudius.
According to Oedipus complex theory, normally Child hates the parent of the same gender. As well as Hamlet express hatred for both man of his mother who are his real father King Hamlet and Claudius. In the play, King Hamlet is keep expressed that he often spent long time at the war to fight with other country. It represent that he didn't spend much time with Hamlet, and also Hamlet said "I'll call thee Hamlet, king, father, royal Dane." When Hamlet thought about his father, the word father did not come first, he thought his father as men and king, not father. Hamlet express his feeling hatred about Claudius more openly, but when Claudius prayed, Hamlet hesitates to kill him because he does not want Claudius goes to heaven. Hamlets emotion of hatred is so strong therefore he want to kill
Claudius when he does bad things.
The ghost of Hamlet king tells Hamlet that the person who kills him is Claudius and he also tells Hamlet that he wants Hamlet to avenges on Claudius. Throughout the play, internally he struggles to kill Claudius. absolutely he wants to kill and he has to but that is something he can't do. That's because of Oedipus complex. Inside of Hamlet, he felt guilty and repulsion against Claudius. That make Hamlet feels very much like Claudius. As Claudius kills King Hamlet, If He kills Claudius, he is no different with Claudius. Unconsciously he identify himself with Claudius, therefore he hesitates to kill Claudius. Claudius has achieved Hamlet's Freudian ideal which kill his father
and take his place.
According to Oedipus complex theory, normally Child hates the parent of the same gender. As well as Hamlet express hatred for both man of his mother who are his real father King Hamlet and Claudius. In the play, King Hamlet is keep expressed that he often spent long time at the war to fight with other country. It represent that he didn't spend much time with Hamlet, and also Hamlet said "I'll call thee Hamlet, king, father, royal Dane." When Hamlet thought about his father, the word father did not come first, he thought his father as men and king, not father. Hamlet express his feeling hatred about Claudius more openly, but when Claudius prayed, Hamlet hesitates to kill him because he does not want Claudius goes to heaven. Hamlets emotion of hatred is so strong therefore he want to kill
Claudius when he does bad things.
The ghost of Hamlet king tells Hamlet that the person who kills him is Claudius and he also tells Hamlet that he wants Hamlet to avenges on Claudius. Throughout the play, internally he struggles to kill Claudius. absolutely he wants to kill and he has to but that is something he can't do. That's because of Oedipus complex. Inside of Hamlet, he felt guilty and repulsion against Claudius. That make Hamlet feels very much like Claudius. As Claudius kills King Hamlet, If He kills Claudius, he is no different with Claudius. Unconsciously he identify himself with Claudius, therefore he hesitates to kill Claudius. Claudius has achieved Hamlet's Freudian ideal which kill his father
and take his place.
The ostensible reason for his madness is very simple. He's mad at Claudius as well as his mother Gertrude because Claudius kills his father and his mother Gertrude married Claudius. But there are doubtful Hamlet's action which cannot be explained by just his madness. when he had chances to kill Claudius, he hesitated and also he seems too much obsessed with thoughts of his mother in bed with Claudius. He thoughts if his mother having sex with Claudius, it is incest. I believe Hamlet feels that ways because he identify himself with Claudius. His sudden acts can be explained by Oedipus Complex theory.
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